Monday, August 6, 2012

Family and Child photographer (Beacon Hill, Boston MA)

 What a great pleasure as a photographer it is to be able to photograph the same clients over and over again!
Lindsey is one of my best friends. When I told her I was going to Boston for a visit I asked her if she would like to get her family pictures taken. She was thrilled that I would take their family pictures again. This time there is a new member of the family, Little miss Ila, who is just as gorgeous as her mother (nothing personal John.) She was very photogenic and had the cutest smile ever.
I love Lindsey and my son Isaac loves her son, Hunter. They are the best of friends. I told Lindsey and John; "I'm officially your family photographer." No matter where I go or where they go, I will go and take their family pictures from now on. (let's just hope they feel the same way!)

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